Lifestyle Choices to Maximize Performance

 Free Clinic with Coach Travis Mash

Latest Science on Sleep, Nutrition, and Recovery for Peak Performance

Join us for a Free Clinic with Coach Travis Mash, MSc, where we delve into the latest scientific insights on optimizing sleep, nutrition, and recovery to achieve peak athletic performance. Discover how these elements can significantly enhance your child’s athletic and cognitive abilities.

Topics Covered:

1. Latest on Sleep:

  • Optimal Sleep Duration Based on Age
  • Effects of Sleep Duration on Performance, Body Fat, Cognitive Function, and Chronic Disease
  • Importance of Sleep Consistency
  • Best Practices for Sleep Hygiene

2. Nutrition Protocols to Optimize Performance:

  • Lifestyle Habits Versus Diet
  • Timing for First and Last Meals of the Day
  • Intra-Workout Nutrition to Maximize Gains
  • Simple Habits for Optimal Athletic and Cognitive Performance

3. What About Recovery?

  • First, Sleep and Nutrition
  • Bad or Good Practice?
  • Ice Baths
  • Sauna
  • Hot Tub
  • Hot and Cold Contrast
  • Soft Tissue Treatments
    Chiropractic, PT, etc.

4. Tracking:

  • Smart Watches and Rings
  • Nutrition
  • Overall Performance

Event Details

  • Date & Time:
    • July 15th: 6:00pm
  • Location: Rise Indoor Sports


Unlock the secrets to your child’s success with expert guidance from Coach Travis Mash. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical tips for enhancing performance through lifestyle choices.

Insights from a Previous Talk

We hope to see you there!